About us

Comprehensive Local Health Data

We gather and analyze heath data on a local level for regions throughout the United States. Learn about health issues, heath prevention, health insurance, and other health-related topics in your local region.

Health chart

We scrutinize health-related data, information and resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States Census, and other various sources. Through deep analysis of this data, we are able to uncover current and past trends related to health topics in local regions.

Our goal here is to create powerful and useful health-related insights for thousands of specific regions throughout the U.S.

A more accurate snapshot of an individual area can be achieved through direct comparisons of both similar regions and regional groupings.


Alongside the obvious health issue and health prevention statistics, other non-health-specific data can also shed light on the overall health of a region. This includes data on both relative age and income for a given region.

Age affects aggregate regional health in that chronic disease and illnesses tend to increase with age. And aggregate income can have a direct effect on a region by impacting access to healthcare, quality of healthcare received, and other related factors.

We hope that these insights will help to increase the understanding of health issues and prevention in individual areas across the country, and, ultimately, lead to a deeper understanding of health on the local level.

Get in touch

If you have any specific questions about our data or what we do here, please contact us.